Monthly Archives: February 2012

When do you call it quits with “friends”?


Do you ever think to yourself and wonder why it seems like you have no friends?  True, be there for you no matter what friends?  I can think of three, maybe four people who are not family members that I can consider my actual friends. By looking at my Facebook page and the 250+ friends, You would think differently.  Of course Facebook is for networking so a large percentage of those friends are former co workers and Army buddies. Then another big percentage are family members. Then you have acquaintances . You know those people that you meet at children’s activities and school, play dates, the park and places like that. Then of course you have the four or so actual friends, the most important people on there. Who’s left?  School mates. There’s the people that you met in passing, had a class with, played a sport with, sat next to in detention. Then there’s school friends. That group of people that you spent the better part of your school years building a relationship with. Those are the “friends” I’m referring to. The “we’ll be friends forever ” group of friends. When do you call it quits with them? When are you no longer obligated to have them on your Facebook?

I’ll tell you when. When you are levels above them on the ladder of life. When you have done something, and been somewhere and they are still in the same place. When you have gotten married and they haven’t. When you have are raising children and they merely have them. When there are things more important to you then “friends” and to them that’s all there is. When you try to give advice and they call you jealous because they have freedom (to do what I don’t know) and you don’t. Most of all though, when they no longer want to get to where you are. It’s time to let go and move on. You’ll know when that happens when you are no longer able to talk about things you see that they can change to better themselves and come up with you. When you are referred to as jealous, or hating or something of that nature. That’s when it’s time to cut ties to your school friends and look forward to bigger and better things. Make new friends who have something to offer you in one way or another. You are who you hang out with and if you ever want to rise up, you have to let go of those people that are by their actions are choosing to stay where they are.

So if you’re still on my Facebook to read this, you were in one of the first couple of categories. If you’re reading it some other way, you just might be one of those people that I had to let go of.