Tag Archives: table

Treasure hunt.


Another weekend gone, but not wasted! Although I didn’t get the beautiful weather promised for Saturday I did make the best of it. I was able to check out some thrift stores and find some great treasures. Some I was looking for, others were a pleasant surprise.



$4 for the pitchers, $5 for the beautiful tray that my hubby swears is silver. It looked terrible, all tarnished before I cleaned it.


20130113-211946.jpg since I knew I wanted these on my porch, I decided to get to work on revamping my porch. I had this bench on there that I took out of the yard. I’ve always wanted two white rocking chairs on my porch but due to some emergency repairs we just had to make (water heater and furnace) we won’t be buying those for a while.

I had gotten a table a year or so back that was supposed to go on the porch but it was a little big for starters and ugly.

20130113-212511.jpg so my first pallet project it is!

20130113-212628.jpg pallet +table+leftover paint=

20130113-212722.jpg my husband is obsessed with it. He wants to leave it in the house now. He can’t believe the pallet wood turned out so good. I sanded, washed and stained it with one coat of oak stain. So pretty! The bench got a makeover too. White, of course. It’s my new favorite color for refreshing. Makes it look so clean (which it was before too) and new. This is what we’ll be walking up to this spring and maybe summer if I don’t get tired of it by then.

20130113-213302.jpg I absolutely cannot wait to get it out on the porch. Oh, and we got the kitchen shelf stained and hung up.

Not bad for a days work huh? Until tomorrow… Sweet dreams!