Tag Archives: vegetables

Hello greenery!


Spring is coming! At least in my kitchen it is. This year I’m going to try my hand once again at growing my own plants. I have 72 spots to fill and I’m so ready for all the flower seeds to start coming out.

20130118-180509.jpg the only flowers I have so far are sunflowers and black eyed Susan’s. I’m totally surprised at how small the bes start off. For flowers that grow to 3 ft or so tall, they are so tiny and cute! I tried to transplant some once from a neighbors garden, but they died 😦

20130118-180825.jpg Here I have black eyed Susan’s, sunflowers, corn, peas, peas, cucumbers, and thyme. Yes thyme! I failed miserably at growing thyme last year. Not even one sprig (if that’s what they’re called). I’m pretty happy about that one! In the separate containers are cabbage and lettuce. I’m hoping I can get them in the ground without them dying.
Today I will be adding carrots, broccoli, parsley, oregano, and basil. Update to come when there’s more to show! Until then, stay sunny!